Table of Contents

    About Suffering in the World
    A web publication by Robert Daoust

Let Us Deal with Suffering More Effectively
By means of the algo-sphere concept

Developing the science about suffering

Collecting and Classifying in Algoscience

Bibliography for the Study of Suffering

Terminology in Algoscience

Preparatory Notes for the Measurement of Suffering

Quantification Research about Suffering at the ISP (2001, a very tentative document)

Outline of Panetometry (2001, a very tentative document)

Review of Messages about Quantification on the Panetics Global Forum (2001, a very tentative document)

Review of Articles Related to Quantification on the ISP's Website (2001, a very tentative document)

Review of Ralph Siu's Writings on Quantification (2001, a very tentative document)


Toward an Institute of Algoscience

The Study and Management of Pain Require a New Discipline about Suffering (2012)

Consciousness is What it Feels Like to Be an Electromagnetic Field Modulated by Psycho-Neural Interrelationships (2022)

Action-Teams for an Organized Minimization of Unacceptable Suffering
This is a (very) tentative exploration of a practical action undertaking based on a systematic general approach to suffering.

Toward Systematic Mutual Assistance

Draft for an Excessive Suffering Control Network (1998, a very tentative document)

L'Agence stratégique de service humanitaire (1998, a very tentative document)
Strategical Agency for Humanitarian Service (in French only)

Registre pour la prévention et le contrôle des cas de souffrance extrême (2002, a very tentative document)
Register for the control and prevention of extreme suffering cases (in French only, but with an English abstract)

An Experimental Project (2002, a very tentative document)
        Un projet-pilote (French translation

SOS-Network (2001-2003, a very tentative document
        SOS-Réseau (French translation)

Answers to the Echoing Green Questionnaire (2004, a very tentative document)

Biographical Notes
A summary of my personal research on suffering

            Notes biographiques (French translation)
               Un sommaire de mes recherches personnelles sur la souffrance

The Systematic Approach to Suffering - An Interview with Robert Daoust
Many thanks to people at Sentience Research for this interview

                L'approche systématique de la souffrance : Un entretien avec Robert Daoust (French translation)
                Merci beaucoup aux gens de Sentience Research pour cet entretien

Other Documents
From previous projects on which I have worked

L'Organisation générale contre les maux (1986, a very tentative document)
A general organization against ills (in French only)

Du porc produit sans souffrance excessive (2002)
Pork produced without excessive suffering (in French only)

Review of Precursor Works (six very tentative documents)

Blogs :   About Suffering (2006-2008)

Sur la souffrance (in French only, 2006-2008)

Everything on the Topic of Suffering (2007-2009)

De tout sur la souffrance (in French only, 2007-2012)

Quotations on Suffering
           Citations sur la souffrance (French translation)

        See also the following initiatives that I am promoting:
    The Algosphere Alliance invites individuals and organizations to cooperate in organizing the alleviation of suffering in the world.

Our Action Plan About Suffering
Partners for a Global Management of Suffering (eds)

Table of Contents 

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