About Suffering in the World (homepage) / Algoscience


An important work in the systematic study of suffering consists in collecting facts, ideas, documents, and in classifying them methodically for convenient retrieval and handling. Lists as exhaustive as possible should be set up concerning kinds of suffering,  people or animals who suffer, causes of suffering, people and organizations who cause suffering, solutions or strategies relative to suffering, people and organizations who contribute to stop or prevent excessive suffering, documents interesting the systematic study of suffering, and many other topics.  All those inventories, most of them without precedent, are needed to give a wider and more precise mapping of the algoscientific field. This should provide better information on what is occurring and what should be done. It should make navigation easier through the abundance, the vastitude and the complexity of the subject.  Each fact, each idea, each document has its importance.  The Cartesian method of exhaustive enumerations has proven to be very profitable in many modern disciplines, and algoscience, in its turn, should dare to undertake inventories that could involve millions of elements.


Outline for an Algoscience

Classification Scheme for Sufferings

Classification Table for Individuals Affected by Suffering

Classification Table for Algogenic Factors

Classification Table for Antalgic Factors

Methodological Classification Table for Algoscience


This document presents a continuously updated outline that could be used as a framework for creating a discipline or field of study which is tentatively called algoscience, and which would consist in a body of theoretical and practical knowledge concerning suffering.

The algoscientific field may be organized in six main parts, as follows.

20- Fundamental algoscience deals with the description, analysis, and measurement of suffering.

40- Algogenic algoscience is concerned with factors or agents that contribute to the production of suffering (algogenic factors).

50- Applied algoscience is concerned with application of algoscientific knowledge to action about suffering.

60- Antalgic algoscience is concerned with factors or agents that go against the production of suffering (antalgic factors).

80- Methodological algoscience is concerned with algoscience as a discipline.

95- General algoscience deals with matters that belong to no other specific part of the discipline.

Note that numbers preceding titles of sections in this document are for convenience. Their meaning is explained in the Methodological Classification Table for Algoscience.


Fundamental algoscience deals with the description, analysis, and measurement of suffering. The following sections are proposed.

20/11- Definition of Suffering

20/11/11- Defining Unpleasantness, Pain, Suffering and other such phenomena

20/12- Conceptions Regarding the Nature of Suffering

20/12/35- Critical Review of Conceptions Regarding the Nature of Suffering

20/20- Analytical Study of Suffering —

20/22- Analytical Study of Pain — Pain is defined by the the International Association for the Study of Pain as "an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage". The present section will eventually offer a summary of what is known in the field of pain research and management in relation with suffering.

20/26- Analytical Study of Mental Suffering — There exists no specialty, within psychology or elsewhere, which deals specifically with psychological or mental suffering, as opposed to physical or bodily pain. Along with analytical study of suffering in general (panalgology?) and along with analytical study of pain (algology or histalgology?), it is proposed here to create new analytical disciplines dealing with mental suffering (psychalgology?), cognitive suffering (gnosalgology?), emotional suffering (thymalgology?), social suffering (socialgology?), or other such kinds of suffering.

20/72- Classification of Suffering

20/72/75- Classification Table for Suffering

20/73- Classification of Individuals Affected by Suffering

20/73/75- Classification Table for Individuals Affected by Suffering

20/75- Inventories of Suffering Cases

20/76- Inventories of Individuals Affected by Suffering

20/90- Algometry (Measurement of Suffering)

20/90/00- Preparatory Notes for Algometry (Quantitative Studies)


Algogenic algoscience is concerned with factors or agents that contribute to the production of suffering (algogenic factors). The following sections are proposed.

40/05- Study of Contextual Data Relevant to Algogenic Factors

40/10- Descriptive Study of Algogenic Factors

40/30- Critical Study of Algogenic Factors

40/40- Study of Theories on Causes of Suffering

40/70- Classification in Algogenic Algoscience

40/70/75- Classification Table for Algogenic Factors

40/75- Inventories in Algogenic algoscience

40/76- Inventories of Persons who Contribute to the Production of Suffering


Applied algoscience is concerned with application of algoscientific knowledge to action about suffering.


Antalgic algoscience is concerned with factors or agents that go against the production of suffering (antalgic factors). The following sections are proposed. Some subsections are given as examples: a complete listing may be developed on the basis of the Classification Table for Antalgic Factors.

60/05- Study of Contextual Data Relevant to Antalgic Factors

60/10- Descriptive Study of Antalgic Factors

60/15- Descriptive Review of Antalgic Factors

60/15/20- Descriptive Review of Health Care

60/15/20/52- Descriptive Review of Psychopharmacology

60/30- Critical Study of Antalgic Factors

60/30/20- Critical Study of Antalgic Factors in Law

60/30/20/33- Critical Study of Prisons

60/60- Developmental Study of Antalgic Factors

60/60/50- Developmental Study of Antalgic Strategies

60/60/50/05- Developmental Study of Universal Antalgic Strategies — A universal antalgic strategy is defined here as a comprehensive plan of action that seeks to reduce or stop most, or even all, sufferings. More largely, a universal algoscientific strategy can be defined as a comprehensive plan of action that seeks to control most, or even all, sufferings. Many wide-ranging doctrines, be they religious, philosophical or political, have a universal strategy to offer with respect to suffering. Sometimes it seems that there are as many universal strategies as there are individual strategists! As a disciplinary field, algoscience could be expected to sum up all of its knowledge and wisdom within one universal strategy in particular …but it cannot, because every strategy depends on who wants what, why, when, where, etc. Instead, algoscience deals with description, analysis, criticism, and theoretical or technical development of various universal strategies.

60/70- Classification in Antalgic Algoscience

60/70/75- Classification Table for Antalgic FactorsHere is offered a list which might represent the first attempt at establishing a common frame for ordering potentially all factors that go against the production of suffering.

60/75- Inventories in Antalgic Algoscience


Methodological algoscience is concerned with algoscience as a discipline. The following sections are proposed.

80/00- Introduction to Algoscience

80/01- Philosophy of Algoscience

80/05- Contextual Data Relevant to Algoscience as a Disciplinary Field

80/10- Terminology

80/30- Epistemology (Justification and Criticism) of Algoscience

80/40- History of Algoscience

80/60- Research and Development Programs

80/70- Classification in Algoscience

80/70/05- Outline for an Algoscience

80/70/07- Methodological Classification Table for Algoscience — This table is proposed to serve as a conceptual frame for organizing the disciplinary field.

80/75- Documentary Resources

80/75/76- Bibliography on Suffering

80/75/77- Links on Suffering

80/76- Workforce Resources

80/76/05- List of Workforce Resources — People or organizations working in algoscience as a specific disciplinary field are listed under this section, with some comments or links.

80/77- Persons and Organizations Concerned with Matters Closely Related to Algoscience There are works outside of algoscience that are highly relevant to the systematic study of suffering. The main ones are listed here.

  • Panetics. In 1986, Ralph Siu (1917-1998) proposed a new discipline that he called panetics, the study of the infliction of suffering. The International Society for Panetics (ISP) was created in 1991. It is nolonger active. As noted above, some pages can be found on the present website concerning Quantification Research about Suffering at the ISP.

  • Abolitionism. In 1995, David Pearce wrote The Hedonistic Imperative, a manifesto that expounds the philosophical bases for undertaking a global engineering project in order to abolish the biological substrates of suffering. A practical step has been taken by setting up BLTC Research, an enterprise dedicated to that project. No advance seems to have taken place since a few years.

  • Social Suffering Studies.

  • Pain Research and Pain Management. John Bonica (1917-1994) was a pioneer of physical pain science and a founder of the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP). Pain science grew quickly during the nineteen-seventies. Many sections of algoscience can benefit from pain science knowledge about physical suffering, its nature, its causes, its remedies. Reciprocally, pain science could benefit from algoscience, for instance by redefining pain and its management in a conceptual continuum with the definition and the management of suffering.

  • Encyclopedia of World Problems. Anthony Judge is director of Communications and Research at the Union of International Associations, and he is the main author of the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential. This monumental work of reference is produced since the seventies. It presents systematically, as a whole set and with details, thousands of world problems and remedies, as they appear in the literature of international organizations. The Encyclopedia could serve as a cornerstone for most inventories in various parts of algoscience. Also, various introductory texts in that work offer highly interesting views for theoretical developments. One fact highlights the mutual relevance of the Encyclopedia and the systematic study of suffering: according to what can be read on page 56 of the first volume (1991 edition), pain or suffering is "the most fundamental entry common to the core parts" of the Encyclopedia.

  • Humanitarian Aid.

  • Palliative Care.

  • Buddhism.

  • Happiness Studies and Pleasure Studies.

  • World Betterment Initiatives.

  • Others. Religion, healthcare, medicine, public health, social services, social security, animal welfare, charity, philanthropy, human rights, disaster relief, insurance, public security...

80/80- Methodology of Algoscience Methodology may be defined as the study of how research does or should proceed in a discipline (it must not be mistaken here for methodology defined as a set of methods followed in a discipline).

80/80/05- Summary of Ideas in Methodology of Algoscience

80/88- Methods in Algoscience — A method may be defined as a set of formalized instructions that are conformed to scientific or academic requirements and that point out what to do for dealing in a certain way with certain matters. In algoscience, numerous methods are borrowed from other disciplines, but some must be invented or adapted to suit the specific needs of the new specialty. These new methods in particular are to be reported in this section.

80/90- Instrumentation


General algoscience deals with matters that belong to no other specific part of the discipline. The following sections are proposed. Eventually, a summary under each section will be offered on this website.

95/XX- Suffering and History

95/XX- Suffering and Philosophy

95/XX- Suffering and Religion

95/XX- Suffering and Ethics

95/XX- Suffering and Law

95/XX- Suffering and Sociology

95/XX- Suffering and Economics

95/XX- Suffering and Politics

95/XX- Suffering and Education

95/XX- Suffering and Arts

95/XX- Suffering and the Media


This Outline for an Algoscience is to be developed as algoscience progresses.

See also the table summary in L'Organisation générale contre les maux, for entries that might be integrated here.

A first version of this document appeared on a previous website on 2000/04/16.




20/72/75/xx- Health problems — Classification of illnesses, of psychological problems… Sexual problems, love problems, suicide, addiction (drug, tobacco, alcohol), euthanasia, bereavement, accidents, chronic pain, AIDS… Lack of health services, of pharmacological drugs, of personal hygiene… Malnutrition, faulty diets…

20/72/75/xx- Social problems — Poverty, unemployment, illness, disability, toxicomania or addiction, homelessness, housing, illiteracy, prostitution, criminality, abortion, disempowerment, acculturation, family planning, budgeting, child abuse, battered women, old age, overpopulation, displacement of refugees, dicrimination (race, âge, sexe, orientation sexuelle, religion, statut social, handicap, maladie...), street gangs, school drop-out, mortalité infantile…

20/72/75/xx- Economic problems — Lack of production or distribution of goods and services, more specifically of that part of them without which there would be more suffering (be it food, water, fuel, housing, clothing, industrial supplies, educational services, telecommunications, transportation, health services, political management, etc.). Abusive appropriations, abusive exploitation, profiteering, slavery… Underdevelopment. Lack of social security, of private insurance… Hunger, water-related problems,

20/72/75/xx- Armed conflict — Army, military, civil war, war

20/72/75/xx- Crimes and human rights violation

20/72/75/xx- Disasters, accidents, fire, apocalypse or end of the world,

20/72/75/xx- Animal suffering —

20/72/75/xx- Environmental problems —

20/72/75/xx- Death-related problems (fear of death, suicide, bereavement, euthanasia, homicide…)

20/72/75/xx- Spiritual problems. Sin. Fear of damnation. Aspiration to salvation.

20/72/75/95/09- Combined sets of suffering — The set of all sufferings. Multicategorical sets.

To complete this section, here are various other notes:

1) From Encyclopedia of World Problems, see H945 Metapathology and PA7107 Unpleasantness, and many other entries:
alienation, anomie, anhedonia, loss of zest in life, meaninglessness, inability to enjoy, indifference, boredom, ennui, worthlessness of life, existential vacuum, noogenic neurosis, philosophical crisis, apathy, resignation, fatalism, valuelessness, desacralization of life, spiritual illnesses and crises, axiological depression, death wishes, sense of being useless or unwanted, hopelessness, despair, anguish, cynicism, aimlessness...,sexual frustration, sexual problems, old age problems, burn-out, ugliness, déchéance, inertia, tiredness, spleen, ignorance, illetteracy, loneliness,  religious dependency, superstition, fear of crime, of illness, of suffering, of pain, of death, of powerlessness, of painful death, of horrible death, of premature death, fear of tomorow, of old age want, fear of boss, of government, of proprietary, unrest, anguish, insecurity, shyness, lack of self-confidence, lack of confidence in others, social tension, psychological tension, ostracism, fanatics, lack of independence, of autonomy, (from old age, from illness, from a chronic condition, from handicap...), dependency to comfort, emotional dependence to a closed group (family, gang, sect, work place…), coward, irresponsible, omission to help, lack of courage, civil disobedience, justified infraction, lack of comfort, lack of longevity, lack of superiority, of success, of dominance, of aggression, of competence, lack of social approbation, of acknowledgement, of good reputation, of higher social rank, of others' esteem, of respect, of love, lack of posterity lack of pleasure, of happiness, of joy, of riches, of gratification, lack of peak experience, of sublime, of spiritual realization, lack of belonging, lack of roots, lack of self-realization, of amelioration, of going upward, of getting, better off, lack of contributing to society, to family, etc., lack of action, of exercise, of doing, unrooting, rejection, being not desired, being cheated, conditioned, exploited, manipulated, culpability, remorse, shame, love peine, heartbreak, separation, loss of affection, treason…, loss of work, status, money, disarray, sadness, discontent, lack of love for others, abrutissement, avilissement,

2) See also Ralph Siu 1998, vol III, Suffering.

3) Other ideas: growing sufferings, diminishing, structural, ponctuels, simple vs complex, worst (in number of victims, in algogenic potential, in severity of suffering...); collection of quotes in the form of "THE most widespread suffering is …"; sufferings that are considered as primordial; sufferings according to geographic or historical or sociological repartition; categories of suffering; synonyms of suffering: need, problem, ill, pain, bad, misfortune, etc.: suffering that is excessive, extreme, mild, noble, ignoble, useful, useless, etc.

4) From a list in French:
1. Santé. Hygiène. Médecine. Psychiatrie. Psychothérapie. Cardiologie, cancérologie, traumatologie, toxicologie (drogues, tabac, alcool), etc.
2. Recherche sur la douleur. Traitement de la douleur.
3. Bienfaisance, philanthropie, humanitarisme.
4. Tiers-monde. Sous-développement. Aide internationale. Faim. Ressources en eau. Surpopulation.
5. Pacifisme, polémologie, guerre, militarisme.
6. Problèmes sociaux. Droits de la personne, discrimination (race, âge, sexe, orientation sexuelle, religion, statut social, handicap, maladie...). Torture. Réfugiés.
7. Problèmes économiques. Pauvreté. Chômage. Maldistribution de la richesse. Exploitation des travailleurs.
8. Criminologie. Pénologie.
9. Problèmes spirituels. Péché. Aspirations au salut.
10. Problèmes relatifs à la mort. Deuil. Suicidologie.
11. Le problème de la fin du monde.
12. Secours d'urgence en cas de catastrophe. Protection civile.
13. Problèmes sexologiques.
14. Protection des animaux.
15. Problèmes écologiques, pollution.

5) The word suffering may be used to refer to any unpleasant experience: physical pain, distress, despair, anguish, anxiety, dismay, chagrin, depression, sadness, sorrow, grief, malaise, discomfort, dissatisfaction, discontentment, disgust, aversion, exasperation, rage, hatred, hostility, envy, privation, frustration, heartbreak, inquietude, fear, terror, horror, shame, culpability, remorse, humiliation, alienation, boredom, tedium, tourment, bereavement, unhappiness, pity, cruelty, anger, unkindness, indignation, confusion, weariness, cowardice, distance, complaint, rashness, stress, nervousness, disrespect, constraint, guilt, jealousy, phobia, repentance, resentment, bitterness, disappointment, discouragement, privation, gluttony, greed...

6) From Types of suffering based on their uncertainty – Manu Herrán:

The following is a list of types of suffering organized according to their uncertainty.

1. Suffering well reported.

In this case, the suffering being is typically an adult human who survives to the negative experience and can describe it.

2. Suffering difficult to survey.

It is the case of suffering in non-human animals, very young humans, humans in oppressive situations, humans with some cognitive impairment, and humans who do not survive the experience of suffering, or for any other reason they cannot communicate it.

3. Controversial suffering

It is about that suffering on which there is an important debate about whether or not it occurs, and if so, in what degree.

4. Speculative suffering

Possible suffering about which there is little evidence (usually, neither in favor nor against).




physically handicapped, crippled, amputee, accident victim, car accident victim, sick, arthritic, cancerous, aborted, poor, indigent, hunger, cold, thirst, malnutrition (in middle class, higher class, lower class), discomfort,


toxicomania, alcoholism, inmates, prisoners, tortured, punished,


sinners, vice, faults, egoism, laziness…, mentally handicaped, psychologically ill, schizophren, depressive, traumatic incident, victim of crime, bereaved, suicidal, parent of a dead child, orphan, mourners,


Prostitute, slave, child slave, sexual slave,

Prisoner, mistreated prisoner, tortured,

Ralph Siu 1998, vol.III, inflictees:

addict, alien, apostate, bastard, beggar, bohemian, bootlicker, braggart, castaway, complainer, coward, criminal, defeatist, dependant, deviant, dissenter, elderly, enemy, extremist, failure, fool, gambler, handicapped, homeless, hostage, imposter, adultress, lackey, laughingstock, leper, liar, libertine, loafer, loser, martyr, mediocre person, minority, misanthrope, miser, mob, neurotic, nihilist, nobody, nonconformist, odd person, prostitute, subordinate...

Other notes:

sufferer, poor, desperate, afflicted, unhappy, needful, wretched, distressed, victim, sick, hungry, bereaved, tortured, refugee,

according to space (geography), time (history), events, social groups, age, sex, race, class or power status,

according to physical, mental, social… pain

actual vs potential, certain vs dubious,

animal (lab, farm, LD50 test, )


1- ..........SECTORS.............


40/70/75/04- Internal structural factors — Biological, anatomical, physiological, neural, hormonal, and other such factors.

40/70/75/05- External structural factors — Historical, physical, social, economical, cultural, and other such circumstances.

40/70/75/06- Causes of suffering — Direct vs structural. Simple vs complex. Collection of quotes in the form of "THE first or most important cause of suffering is …". Sufferings as causes of suffering. Good things as causes of suffering. growing factors, diminishing, structural, ponctuels, worst (en n. de viks, en algogénie, en gravité de s…), premiers algogènes, algogènes structurels

40/70/75/07- Strategies, tactics, ways for producing suffering —

40/70/75/08- Resources used in algogenic activities — Workforce, money, documents, material…

40/70/75/12- Doctrines — Political doctrines (nazism, fascism, …). Spiritual doctrines (damnation, fakirism, ascetism, penitentism…). Philosophical doctrines (dolorism, prodolorism…).

40/70/75/13- Persons — Famous algogenic agents. Classes of persons (see inflictors)

40/70/75/14- Personal actions —

40/70/75/15- Professions — bourreau, torturers, slave-trader, soldier, army, school of torture, CIA, prison-warden,

40/70/75/17- Organizations — Governmental, nongovernmental, corporate, nonprofit… organizations.

40/70/75/18- Disciplines — Schools of torture.

40/70/75/95- Categories or factors not listed elsewhere —

40/70/75/95/09- Combined sets of factors — The set of all factors. Multicategorical sets.

40/70/75/95/10- Conceptual classes of factors — Activities, action, forces, factors, agency…

40/70/75/95/95- Unintentional algogenic factors — Chance, counterproductivity, side-effects, algogenic effects caused by antalgic factors (by physicians, politicians, policemen, judges, etc.)…

40/70/75/xx- Pro-dolorist activities —

40/70/75/xx- Harming animals —

40/70/75/xx- Harming the environment —


wrong-doers, evil-doers, sadistics, satanists, nazi, fascist, racists, criminals, mafia,

child molestors, abusive exploiters, corporation strategists, anti-eff, structural syanlgic actors, individuals, organizations

Suffering caused by antalgic factors

necessary-useful-unavoidable suffering, unnecessary-useless-avoidable suffering, perverse antalgic agents,

Suffering caused by the pursuit of a truely positive good

Suffering caused by the pursuit of a falsely positive good

From an International Society for Panetics' document :

SECTION 1: The DATA TEAM will gather selected relevant indicators from numerous sources that attempt to measure, on a comparative basis, INFLICTIONS of human suffering among the nations of the world. The indicators will be portrayed in tabular and map formats. GENERAL categories (there will be many sub-categories) of INFLICTION for initial data collection include (but are not limited to):

a. "Natural" (i.e. non-human) inflictions in the year 2000 (i.e. natural disasters, etc.).

b. Business inflictions.

c. Criminal inflictions.

d. Economic inflictions (poverty, unemployment, displacements, etc.)

e. Educational inflictions.

f. Environmental inflictions.

g. Ethnic, racial and gender-based inflictions.

h. Ethical and value conflicts that inflict.

I. Family inflictions (spousal abuse, child abuse,etc.)

i. Governmental and political inflictions (including terrorism).

j. Legal, judicial, police and correctional inflictions.

k. Media (including public relations and advertising) inflictions.

l. Medical and health-related inflictions. m. Military inflictions (war, etc.)

n. Political inflictions.

o. Religious inflictions.

p. Science-related inflictions.

q. Technology-related inflictions.



The following classification is an attempt at establishing a common frame for ordering potentially all factors that go against the production of suffering. Developing such a tool seems important for theoretical and practical purposes.

1 - Sectors

60/70/75/xx- Health care — Medicine: psychiatry, cardiology, cancerology, traumatology, pain science, etc. Psychology: psychotherapy, sexology, suicidology, treatment of addictive behavior, bereavement counseling, etc. Pharmacology. Public health: sanitation, prevention of illnesses and accidents, administration of health services, etc. Alternative health care. Personal hygiene.

60/70/75/xx- Social services — Classified by groups of people for whom they are intended: poor people, old people, parents, children, sick persons, disabled people, drug addicts, homeless people, illiterates, refugees, prostitutes, offenders, ex-inmates, victims of crime, unemployed, too large populations… Classified by kinds of service: birth control, literacy programs, family budgeting, advocacy, support for living (subsistence, housing, clothing, transport, leisure, etc.), protection against child abuse…

60/70/75/xx- Economic security — Production and distribution of goods and services, more specifically of that part of them without which there would be more occurences of suffering (be it food, water, fuel, housing, clothing, industrial supplies, educational services, telecommunications, transportation, health services, political management, etc.). International and national programs against underdevelopment. Social security: old-age pensions, welfare, unemployment insurance, health insurance, child benefit, etc. Private insurance: life, health, fire, accident, theft, etc.

60/70/75/xx- Emergency services — Military and civil defense. Local or international disaster prevention and management. Emergency aid. Security of supplies. Fire departments.

60/70/75/xx- Protection by law — Police, courts, prisons, etc. Criminology, victimology, etc. Human rights. Legislation.

60/70/75/xx- Philanthropic help (humanitarianism, benevolence, charity) —

60/70/75/xx- Protection of animals —

60/70/75/xx- Protection of the environment —

2 - Categories

60/70/75/04- Internal structural factors — Biological, anatomical, physiological, neural, hormonal, and other such factors.

60/70/75/05- External structural factors — Historical, physical, social, economical, cultural, and other such circumstances.

60/70/75/06- Solutions (remedies...) — Direct vs structural. Simple vs complex. Collection of quotes in the form of "THE first or most important solution to the problem of suffering is …".

60/70/75/07- Strategies (tactics…) —

60/70/75/08- Resources used in antalgic activities — Workforce, money, documents, material…

60/70/75/12- Doctrines — Political doctrines (socialism, Marxism, welfarism, activism…). Spiritual doctrines (salvation, charity, penance, Buddhism, fakirism…). Philosophical doctrines (utilitarianism, Stoicism, antidolorism, anti-suffering abolitionism…).

60/70/75/13- Persons — Famous antalgic agents…

60/70/75/14- Personal actions — Self-help or self-healing behaviors, interpersonal care and support, preventive behaviors, support for bereavement...

60/70/75/15- Professions —

60/70/75/17- Organizations — Governmental, nongovernmental, corporate, nonprofit, self-help …organizations.

60/70/75/18- Disciplines — Suffering-centered disciplines (algology or pain research and management, panetics, algoscience…).

60/70/75/95- Categories or factors not listed elsewhere —

60/70/75/95/09- Combined sets of factors — The set of all factors. Multicategorical sets.

60/70/75/95/10- Conceptual classes of factors — Activities, action, forces, factors, agency…

60/70/75/95/05- Globalist or world betterment initiatives —

60/70/75/95/60- Anti-suffering abolitionist initiatives — Ex. : BLTC Research.

60/70/75/95/69- Annihilation of all sentient beings —

60/70/75/95/75- Inventory undertakings — Ex.: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential.

60/70/75/95/95- Unintentional antalgic factors — Chance, serendipity, side-effects, antalgic effects caused by algogenic factors…

Note that items above are going to be expanded or rearranged in sub-categories, and that items belonging to more than one category may appear more than once. Note also that factors are listed without judging of their antalgic validity, provided that they are perceived as valid by any group of people. It must be understood that no entity or event is by itself an antalgic factor (for instance, someone being help with money may or may not feel relieved of a suffering, depending on other factors): it is the causal relationship established by an observer between an entity or event and a suffering being stopped, relieved or prevented that turns the entity or event into an antalgic factor.










Basic data



imagination, speculation



visions axioms, postulates






relationships maps of the whole








terms, notions facts, phenomena
20 ANALYTIC algoscience THEORY



understanding, explanation



psychological entities hypothesis, induction, deduction, laws




AXIOLOGY persons


norms, comparison


35 NORMATIVE algoscience















experimental procedures

plans, strategies

Opposition diminution


70 TAXONOMIC algoscience CLASSIFICA-TION SYSTEMATI-ZATION taxonomy organizations systems






informational data


tables, lists

80 METHODO-LOGICAL algoscience design, preparation, meta-considerations
EPISTEMO-LOGY disciplines










quantitative data, material things units
95 GENERAL algoscience


Last modification: 2013/01/12, and 2022/02/05 for a terminological update