Suffering in the World (homepage) / Algoscience
Bibliography for the Study of Suffering
links on this page may be obsolete)
It is important in the study of suffering to develop a bibliographic subspecialty dealing with documents that can be found on paper, or on the Internet, or on other media, and that are relevant to knowledge and action about suffering. This page presents the embryonic beginning of an algoscientific bibliography. Collaboration is required to develop this subspecialty usefully.
What's New about Suffering in the Media
Robert Daoust's Selected Favorite Webpages
The Body in Pain : The Making and Unmaking of the World (by Elaine Scarry)
The Culture of Pain (by David Morris)
Suffering and Moral Responsibility (by Jamie Mayerfeld)
Painism: A Modern Morality (by Richard Ryder)
Suffering, Politics, Power: A Genealogy in Modern Political Theory (by Cynthia Halpern)
Victims and Values: A History and a Theory of Suffering (by Joseph Amato)
Traditions of Compassion: From Religious Duty to Social Activism (by Khen Lampert)
Suffering: A Sociological Introduction (by Iain Wilkinson)
A Passion for Society: How We Think About Human Suffering (by Iain Wilkinson and Arthur Kleinman)
Souffrances sociales : Philosophie, psychologie et politique (by Emmanuel Renault -- in French only)
Anthropologie de la douleur et Expériences de la douleur (by David Le Breton)
Distant Suffering: Morality, Media and Politics (by Luc Boltanski)
States of Denial: Knowing about Atrocities and Suffering (by Stanley Cohen)
Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential (by Anthony Judge and colleagues at the Union of International Associations)
The Hedonistic Imperative (by David Pearce)
L'organisation générale contre les maux (by Robert Daoust -- provisional Google translation in English: The Systematic Approach to Suffering)
Bibliography — Philosophy of Pain (by Murat Aydede)
Panetics: the Study of the Infliction of Suffering (by Ralph Siu) See also The International Society for Panetic Archives
La souffrance — Recherche du sens perdu (by Bertrand Vergely -- in French only)
La chirurgie de la douleur (by René Leriche -- in French only)
La souffrance (by Jeanne Russier -- in French only)
Socrethics — The Least Suffering for the Smallest Number (by Bruno Contestabile)
Essays on Reducing Suffering (by Brian Tomasik)
Naître est-il dans l'intérêt de l'enfant ? Idéologie de reproduction versus non-souffrance and Annexes (by Jean-Christophe Lurenbaum -- abstract in English)
The Battle for Cmpassion -- Ethics in an Apathetic Universe (by Jonathan Leighton)
Tipitaka -- The Pali Canon (includes most ancient texts of the Buddhist doctrine about suffering)
Making Sense of Pain and Making Sense of Suffering (two projects by Inter-Disciplinary.Net)
World Suffering and Quality of Life and Human Suffering and Quality of Life (by Ron Anderson)
Search for "suffering" at www.amazon.com or The Library of Congress.
Here are three links to bibliographical lists on preciousheart.net:
Links from Stauros International Association's specialized bibliography :
An excellent annotated bibliography on philosophy of (physical) pain, by Murat Aydede, may be seen at the following address :
philpapers.org offers an online search for books about suffering in philosophy :
What's New About Suffering in the Media
An active bibliography includes a methodical process through which newly published material is collected.
Elements of that process might be the following.
Robert Daoust's Selected Favorite Webpages (January 2009)
For a more recent selection see https://pinboard.in/u:RobertDaoust
Bibliography on suffering
- 05--Suffering & Pain
- AydedePhilosophical Bibliography on Pain
- Crisis-Grief Archive
- Pages tagged with suffering on del.icio.us
- Pain and Suffering at wickedness.net
- Pain in Particular
- Souffrance et écoute
- Suffering & Pain--International Works
- Suffering (Wisdom Archive on Sufferin)
- suffering - Books, journals, articles @ The Questia Online Library
- Suffering General
- Suffering in Art Film Literature
EndOfLifeCare Suffering
- Benbessa La souffrance comme identité Esther Benbassa
- Benbessa Le Web de l’Humanité Esther Benbassa et le droit à l’oubli - Article paru le 23 avril 2007
- Clain05LesMotsDesMaux-4DiscoursContempSurSouffrance.pdf
- dealing with suff is the Purpose of Religion
- Distance, Omission, EgoisticRights The causes of incalculable human suffering - On Line Opinion - 23-4-2007
- Greater Good Magazine Compassion
- Greater Good Magazine Empathy for Suffering
- Hedonism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
- Maverick Philosopher -on Suffering
- Meaning suff panel comments Thoughts on the Meaning of Suffering Part 2 -Britannica Blog
- Meaning Suff Panel Discuss (boff) armavirumque THE NEW CRITERION'S WEBLOG
- Miller04 FacingHumanSuffering PsychologyPsychother.
- Pauvreté et souffrance psychique - M Gabel
- Pleasure (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
- Souff au Trav Harcèlement Moral. Sur Alternative Santé d'Avril 2007
- Souffrance et sport
- Suffering for Science Reason and Sacrifice in Modern America - Science - RedOrbit
- Unimaginable Intentional Human Suffering Wake Up From Your Slumber
- War Source of Human Suffering and Death
- Baron09 emotion and utility judgment
- Cushman09 Affectivity in Law Condemnation
- Evil (suffering, death) and Ethics Michael E. Berumen's Theory of Ethics
- John Paul II's Gratitude for Suffering Higher Gospel
- painEthicsEuthanasia
- PCBE Being Human Readings from the President's Council on Bieothics (Chapter 8 Vulnerability an
- sufferingMoralTheodicy
- The Repugnant Conclusion (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Indicators (soc, neuro)
- Amazon.com The Social Health of the Nation How America Is Really Doing Books Marc Miringoff,M
- Calvert-Henderson Quality of Life Indicators
- Cdn Indic Welf Atkinson Charitable Foundation
- Gross International Happiness
- Index of Economic Well-being
- International Human Suffering Index
- measure of domestic progress
- Social Indicators Research JNL
- Souffrance Neuroimaging
- UNDP Human Development Reports
Médecins etc
- Conceptions of Suffering in Pall Care
- Médecins et souffrance070525
- The Meaning Of Healing Transcending Suffering -- Egnew 3 (3) 255 -- Annals of Family Medicine
- Yunus04SufferingMedicine.txt
Orgs bienfaisance
- bénévol-ImpactOnline
- Centre canadien de philanthropie
- Charity Village® Home Page
- Donate to Charity for Free
- Emmaus International Homepage
- International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
- Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul
- The Hunger Site Give Food for Free to Hungry People in the World
Orgs socio-comm
- Carrefour communautaire de Vitrine sur Montréal
- Carrefour des organismes communautaires et bénévoles du Québec
- CCSD Canadian Council on Social Development
- CIVICUS World Alliance for Citizen Participation
- GlobeNet-l'Internet associatif et comm. france
- NetPOP, carrefour de groupes populaires et communautaires
- Orgs (continued)
- AllianceQcsouffrance
- Calenda - Objectiver la souffrance. Séminaire mensuel 2008-2009 du Centre Maurice Halbwachs
- Carter Center thinktank suffering
- Centro Volontari della Sofferenza - Apostolate of the Suffering
- Classification internationale des organisations sans but lucratif ICNPO
- DEMOCIDE Home Page
- End Suffering Party NZ - Home
- End Suffering Party
- Global suffering is brought home in exhibit
- GRASP GrRechAspectsSociauxSantéPrév
- Humanitarian Prize Conrad N. Hilton
- Humanity Rising
- Medialens - alerts about suffering misrepresented in corporate media
- My Miserable Life A Compendium of Suffering from various people
- Ogrish.com Entry Disclaimer
- PSIRN-Pain Suff Interdisc Res Network
- Regard conscient - gr rech psy soc sur retour de Souff refoulées
- SocietyStudySocialProblems - SSSP Home
- The Elders Council theElders.org
- Victim Surveys crime
- Victimology Website
- wickedness.net -Evil -and suffering
- Wickedness.Net Discussion Forums Index
- Wickedness.Net Home Page
- About Us ~ Faculty Edward Welch
- Exalting Pain Ignoring Pain How to Counsel Sufferers - Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, Inc
- islam How does Islam Explain Suffering
- Lutherans discuss human suffering - Chico Enterprise Record
- The Jewish Experience of Suffering
- Why does Allah allow suffering and evil in the world by Goaway Learn English and use English chat at English, baby!
Religion (continued)
- BuddhistAnalysisProblemSuf
- Daily Pilot
- Ex-Atheist.com. Christian Apologetics, Logic and Debate!
- God's Problem How the Bible Fails to Answer Our Most Important Question--Why We Suffer Bart D. Ehrman Books
- JewishRabbiOnSufferingIF ONLY I UNDERSTOOD WHY - Table of Contents
- PainSufferingReligionVsScience
- Stauros International Association - Jesus' Passion and the Challenge of Human Suffering
- SufferingGlobalAppChristian
- TaoismOnSuffering
- The Problem of Evil Theodicy Links good
- Theodicy -Dictionary of the History of Ideas
- Theodicy 10 Reasons To Believe In A God Who Allows Suffering
- Ashoka Home Page
- Ashoka-Changemakers Homepage
- Ashoka-ChangemakersJournal
- Ashoka-Citizen Base Initiative
- Basic Guide to Outcomes-Based Evaluation in Nonprofit Organizations With Very Limited Resources
- CdnCentreSocEntrep
- Echoing Green
- FONDS-RISQ - Accueil
- giveFoundation
- GiveWorld- Humanity Online ..... operated by Give Foundation to bring Indian Charity projects f
- Grants and Funding Menu
- InfoEntrepGvtCanada
- InfoEntrepGvtsQcCan
- InfoEntrepLa toile entrepreneuriale du Québec
- Leader to Leader Institute
- Programme Nouveaux Horizons pour les aînés - Quelles sont les conditions d'admissibilité
- Rolex Awards for Enterprise
- Skoll Community Fund
- Social Edge - Civil Society Responds to Tsunami
- Social Edge - Getting Global Philanthropy Going
- Social Edge - Welcome! Introduce Yourself
- Social Edge
- the wingbeat project
SOS-Entrepreneur (continued)
- Amnesty International - Campaign Against Torture -
- Amnesty International Worldwide Appeals, Letter writing guide
- CHSLDcolloque030420
- CHSLDMérette030325
- Fairshare
- Give India - Donate Online to NGOs in India. Donate for all causes in all Indian states with ma
- GiveIndiaAlliance Extra - June 2004
- Hundred Neediest Cases NYTimes Annual Survey
- International Social Service Canada - Service Social International Canada
- Kiva - Loans that change lives
- La fondation Gilles Kègle
- MSSS Statistiques
- OMCT Human Rights NGO, against torture and executions
- Red Solidaria -
- RedSolid-Best Practices Database Humanitarian News Agency (a Red Solidaria project)
- RedSolid-Changemakers Journal - October 2001 Solidarity Network Unleashing a Powerful Force
- ReliefWeb Directory of Humanitarian Organizations
- RRSSS-Mtl Centre
- Répertoire MultiMondes - Recherche
- Santé-Net Québec Associations - Fondations - Ordres
- Sun Youth Organization - Jeunesse Au Soleil
- Synergies 50+
Various Docs
- Adolescence et souffrance
- Africa's suffering masses - Jun 21, 2006
- algedonic-loop(algo-hedonic)
- algedonicMeeting view-sampling machines
- algedonicStaffordBeer73.pdf
- Args against anaesthesia in surgery, dentistry and childbirth
- BadStrongerThanGood RevGenPsycho01.pdf
- Compassion Seven Principles from a Century Ago
- Compassionate Life A Search for the Soul of Kindness
- Evolution Animal Empathy -Mouse to Mouse I Feel Your Pain - New York Times
- Evolution Suffering -Lucifer Principle A Scientific Expedition into the Forces of History
- Humanitarianism BritEncyc Social Science Article
- HumanitarismeHistModerne
- Hutman,Cindy-Suffering(course in psycho)
- Imaging could furnish proof of chronic pain - The Boston Globe
- Insensitivity to suffering - alt.philosophy Google Groups
- Klesis - Revue philosophique - La souffrance 2006
- Kovac Lab - Fundamental principles of cognitive biology- Minimisation of Suffering
- La Douleur et la Souffrance Perrotin Demaison 2002 Colloque
- Lomborg How to Spend $50 Billion to Make the World a Better Place Books Bjorn Lomborg
- Lomborg Ranking suffering Blog
- Mathematics is the cause of human suffering!
- Mice feel others' pain
- OrnishDean - The Preventive Medicine Research Institute
- pain immorality in Nature
- Pain in evolution good bad neutral
- People feel others' pain
- Politique -Fassin
- Politique -Kessar
- Sakti, Suffering, and Power
- Sensibilité Cahiers Antispécistes
- Sensibilité et conscience
- Souff (Commentaire social en Rev MedSc v18 n11 2002 Ehrenberg
- Soufffrance en Revue Frontières2005
- souffrance au travail070923 - les communistes
- souffrance phi soc chapitre en Vaneigem 1967
- SouffrancePhiloSpir
- SouffrancePhiloSpirIndexThématique
- Suffering and the remedy of art-schweizer97
- Suffering Video Song Christian
- suffering@Everything2.com
- SufferingElders-Respect, companionship can help end suffering of elders
- Suicidal Mind -Shneidman -Psychological Pain Survey
- Suicide Paradigm
- Vaneigem Raoul La souffrance1967
- VictimeNouvelObs061103Je pleure, donc je suis, Sophie des Deserts
- Will And Suffering in Alpinism
- Would You Torture a Baby to Bring Peace to Humanity
Algoscience (continued)
Chronic pain
- dolor - Le traitement de la douleur au quotidien
- Imaging could furnish proof of chronic pain - The Boston Globe
- Murray95 chronicpain.pdf
- Pain Relief Network PRN Press Painful choices Physicians challenged by quest to end suffering
- Reach Nova Scotia
- Def-pain (continued)
- Aydede New Essays on Its Nature and the Methodology of Its Study
- Aydede Pain Stanford Encyc
- Aydede's Home Page
- Cassel suff painAnnals of Internal Medicine Article
- Chalmers'Bib on Unpleasantness
- def Pain Merskey Pain, consciousness and behaviour
- def pain Pain Forum TOC, Summer 1999
- DefPain Chapman
- DouleurPsychan
- fetal pain'
- IASP-Pain Definitions
- IASP-Pocket Dictionary of Pain Terms
- International Association for the Study of Pain Pain Definitions
- Pain Anatomy-Ranney
- Pain Def Jnl of Pain1999
- Pain, Its Perception and Pain Imaging IASP doc
- pain-an overview
- Pain-and-Affect Price
- Philosophical Bibliography on Pain
- Pleasantness and Unpleasantness Hedonic Tone
- SouffranceNociceptionDouleurChapitre Glossaire du site Psychobiologie Humaine.
- ABCD Association pour les Bénéficiaires des Cliniques de la Douleur
- ACPA AmChronPAss
- AmPainFoundation
- AmSoc Action on Pain
- AQDC Association quebecoise de la douleur chronique
- AssNordAmDoul
- Canadian Pain Coalition Home Page
- Dr Richard Ryder - Painism
- DSFDouleur sans frontière
- Ensemble contre la douleur
- Fondation Québécoise de la Migraine et des Céphalées
- Institut UPSA de la douleur
- Moins souffrir .... Plus de rire
- NFTP National Foundation for the Treatment of Pain
- Pain Explained Coalition Campaign Canada
- pain.com
- Partners Against Pain - information for patients in pain
- PartnersForUnderstandingPain
- Pediadol
- Am Academy of Pain Medicine
- Am Pain Society
- American Academy of Pain Management
- Canadian Pain Society
- Colloque francophone sur la douleur
- Consortium
- Douleurs sans frontières - Le site officiel
- IASP Pain Definitions
- IASP-The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP)
- Initiative québécoise de recherche sur la douleur - Bref survol
- McGill University Centre for Research on Pain - Overview
- Pain & Policy Studies Group Homepage
- Pain and Suffering interdisc Network, Vancouver 25-27 January 2001
- Quebec Pain Research Initiative
- SETD- Société d'Etude et de traitement de la Douleur
- SFETD Société Française d’Etude et de Traitement de la Douleur
- Soc québ douleur
- World Institute of Pain
- Journal of Pain
- JPSM Journal of Pain and Symptom Management Including Supportive and Palliative Care
- List of jnls in Anesthesiology & Pain Management
- NatureReviewsNeurosciencePain - Focus home
- Pain Forum
- Pain Research & Management-Cdn pain res soc
- ScienceDirect - Pain, Volume 127, Issue 3, Pages 197-314 (February 2007)
Pol manag
- DouleurFranceDivers
- DouleurFranceProgramme national de lutte contre la douleur
- Pain & Policy Studies Group Homepage
- Pain -Standards Revisions for 2001
- pain -Standards2
- Pain Management Standards - CAMH
- patient pain manifesto-français-Politiques sur douleur de la Soc.cdn trait doul
- Patient Pain Manifesto
- pol manag 1 The American Society of Law, Medicine and Ethics
- pol manag 2 The American Society of Law, Medicine and Ethics
- pol manag 3 The American Society of Law, Medicine and Ethics
- Cipa Congenital Pain Insensitivity Mediagraphy
- Cipa news @ nature.com - Cipa- The mutation that takes away pain - Studies of rare disorder shed light on pain mechanism.
- Cipa The mutation that takes away pain
- Cipa The Neurocritic Misery and Empathy
- DOLOPLUS - Echelle d'évaluation comportementale de la douleur
- FMRIB Pain Group Publications and Links
- History- Pain Research at NIDCR
- History-The Relief of Pain and Suffering
- http--www.painandthelaw.org-
- Hurwitz070429 MD in Prison pain medication
- Labour pain-Welcome to Maternity Wise-pregnancy, labor, childbirth, and other maternity care in
- marijuana bmj.com Kalso 323 (7303) 2
- mri Brain links pain with pleasure
- mri FeedbackPain UK-Health-TimesOnline
- MRI feedbacl Study - Pain Management Center - Stanford University School of Medicine
- Pain frontier in various animals
- pain+insurance -Health Law resources-American Society of Law, Medicine and Ethics
- Pain+Law- American Society of Law, Medicine and Ethics
- pain-and-memory-EMBO Reports -- Flor 3 (4) 288
- Pain The Science of Suffering Wall
- Philosophical Bibliography on Pain
- These Machines Feel Your Pain
- Transcending pain with meditation « Neurophilosophy
- VisualAnalogScale-unreliable-How Real is Your Pain -- Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2007 -- Page 1 -- TIME
Concerning Physical Pain (continued)
- Aydede Ed 2004 PAIN New Essays
- AydedeStanfordEncycPain
- Katz06 Pleasure (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
- Murat Aydede home page
- Philosophical Bibliography on Pain
- Cavey Douleur et souffrance I
- Cavey Site
- Cavey06 L'euthanasie pour un débat dans la dignité - Google Book Search
- Cavey98euthanasie
- CaveyDouleur- Famidac
- CaveyFiches pratiques- Famidac
- La douleur neurogène - --- Gériatrie, soins palliatifs - Michel Cavey ---
- Une loi sur l'euthanasie - --- Gériatrie, soins palliatifs - Michel Cavey ---
- Mayerfeld Homepage
- Mayerfeld Prof Univ Washington
- Mayerfeld Suffering and Moral Responsibility (Oxford Ethics Series) Books Jamie Mayerfeld
- Mayerfeld Towards an Ethic of Suffering A Rejoinder to Jamie Mayerfeld
- MayerfeldCriticized Towards an Ethic of Suffering A Rejoinder to Jamie Mayerfeld
Docs-Authors (continued)
- Betterhumans Features Columns Guest Columns Why Physical Immortality
- Betterhumans Resources Goals Immortality
- Existential Risks Analyzing Human Extinction Scenarios
- Immortality Institute ~ For Infinite Lifespans
- KurzweilAI.net gardner Intell univ
- KurzweilAI.net
- Perry04 on Universal Immortalism
- Society for Universal Immortalism
- The intelligent universe
- Transumanar
Death, Suicide, Immortality (continued)
- Achoo Gateway to Healthcare
- ATOUTE-informations médicales, forum médical - médecine
- Doctissimo, le portail médical actualité santé.
- Doctor's Guide to the Internet - Doctor's Guide HomePage
- eMedicine World Medical Library
- Le Réseau canadien de la santé - des informations dignes de confiance sur les moyens à prendre
- Medline
- MedWebPlus-authoritative reference
- National Library of Medicine - Home Page
- PasseportSanté.net - prévention et santé - Accueil
- WebMD - Better Information. Better Health.
Health (continued)
Human Rights
Laws-Rights-Duty (continued)
Allocation universelle
- A Universal Basic Income
- ASfrontcommun
- Barème Plancher On a tous besoin d'un minimum pour vivre
- Citizen's Dividend guaranteed income social dividend basic income Thomas Paine
- Guaranteed minimum income - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Le Droit au Revenu
- Opposing Globalization Could Justify Resource-Based Basic Income
- R.A.G.- M.L.King
- Refusal - Refusal to Work
Money (continued)
- 'Vegetative' Woman's Brain Shows Surprising Activity - washingtonpost.com
- Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness
- Buried alive in your own skull. By William Saletan - Slate Magazine
- Chalmers home
- Chalmers'Bib on Consciousness
- Chalmers'Bib on Emotions
- Chalmers'Bib on Unpleasantness
- Jaak Panksepp-Commentary
- On the Search for the Neural Correlate of Consciousness##
- P S Y C H E About
- What is a Neural Correlate of Consciousness
Consciousness (continued)
Human Security
World-Betterment (continued)
General principles (Murphy laws etc)
Z-varia (continued)
- Bergeron-BAPE021024
- Burgat01DemandeSocialeBEanimal
- Carruthers99sympathy-and-subjectivity
- Grandin-Animal Welfare
- Grandin-Distress in Animals Is it Fear, Pain or Physical Stress
- Grandin-GeneralOpinions
- Halverson1991-FarmAnimalWelfareCrisisOpportunity
- Halverson2001FarmAnimalHealthAndWellBeing
- Pollan-NYTimes-AnAnimal'sPlace
- Stookey2001-Consumers&AnimalWelfare
- Alternative Marketing of Pork
- Animal Welfare Issues Compendium (September 1997)
- BillC22-C10etc-SummaryTCACL-
- Certif-BC-SPCA Certified Labelling Program Home
- Certif-Freedom Foods Canada
- Certif-FreedomFood-UK-RSPCA
- Certif-FreeFarmed-American Humane American Humane Homepage
- Certif-Humane Farm Animal Care - Certified Humane Raised & Handled
- CodePratiquesPorc
- CorpVsAlternAgricultureCBC Television the nature of things
- du Breton Natural Pork USA - Home
- Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Animal - LFDA
- Farmed Animal Well-Being Conference Summary - UPC Fall 2001 Poultry Press
- Farmed Animal Well-Being Conference Summary(part II) - UPC Winter 2001 Poultry Press
- Litière-L'élevage du porc sur litière
- McDonald-IssuesAgainstMcDo
- AGRI Bien-être animal
- Ahimsa-Co-Actions - R.A.G.E BRForum de discussion sur les droits des animaux Voir le Forum - F
- Ahimsa-Coactions-Encans et transports d'animaux
- Ahimsa-Coactions-Pauvres cochons
- Ahimsa-Coactions
- Ahimsa-RAGE-Réseau d'informations sur la condition animale R.A.G.E
- Ahimsa
- Alberta Farm Animal Care (AFAC)
- Animal Rights Canada - Welcome to Canada's most comprehensive website on Animals Rights!
- Animal Welfare Foundation of Canada - Foundation du Bien-Etre Animal du Canada
- Animal Welfare Institute Website
- Animal Welfare Institute
- Anti-AnimalRights.Net
- AWIC Homepage
- CanCoalitionFarmAnimalsNOTABENE - CCFA
- CanFefHumSoc Cruelty to Animals Section of the Criminal Code of Canada
- CenterStudyAlWelfOntario
- CFHS Cruelty to Animals Section of the Criminal Code of Canada
- CIWF Animal Sentience
- CIWF-PMAF-EncansVidéoQuébec
- CIWF-PMAF-ProtMondAnimFerm
- CIWF-SowsWelfareEurope
- CIWFCompassionInWorldFarming
- Factory Farming Homepage
- FarmedAnimal.net
- FarmSanctuary-Factory Farming - Pork Production
- FarmSanctuary-Factory Farming
- FarmSanctuary-SentientBeings.org - Promoting Compassion for America’s Most Abused Animals
- GAN home
- GRACE Factory Farm Project - Homepage
- GRACE Factory Farm Project
- GRACE-Animal Well-Being Organizations Factory Farm Project
- Groupe pour la promotion d'un enseignement éthique
- HumaneFarmingAssoc-InsidePorkIndustry
- HumaneFarmingAssoc
- HumaneSocUSA-FarmsAsFactories-HumTeen
- PETA - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
- Pitié pour les cochons!
- ProtAnim.tripod.com-Pitié pour les cochons!
- SQDA-Société Québécoise pour la Défense des Animaux
- sqda.org best
- Upperworld - News and facts for a better Planet
- WSPA - World Society for the Protection of Animals
- [CETFA]CanadiansEthicalTreatmentFoodAnimals
- BanCruelFarms-PigsFlorida
- FPPQ-ProgQualité
- National Pork Producers Council
- Pig Health Welfare of pigs Swine diseases Pork Safety
- Pig Health-Animal Behavior farm livestock welfare behaviour books
- Pig healthFarm Animal Welfare the power struggle
- ThePigSite-Pigs, Hogs, Swine. Information for the Pig, Hog and Swine industry.
- VivaPigs
- VivaPigsFacts-
- WelfareResourceCentre-PrairieSwine-Pigs
- WelfareResourceCentre-PrairieSwine
- Animals-McDoSpotlight
- BAPE-doc déposée
- Centre de recherche sur le bovin laitier et le porc
- CommissionAAAQ - Accueil
- CRAAQ - Centre de Référence en Agriculture et Agroalimentaire du Québec
- du Breton Natural Pork USA - Home
- Ferme le Crépuscule
- Food Marketing Institute - Animal Welfare
- Les Jardins Urbains
- MAPAQ bien-être
- Présentation d'AGRI Bien-être animal
- Union Paysanne
- Équiterre
On Animals (continued)
Last modification: 2022/02/02